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The AnthroPOLIS Chair


The Anthropolis Chair is constructing a vision of mobility futures by focusing on major challenges of urban life such as reducing carbon emissions and improving quality of life in cities. The Chair develops fundamental methods to design mobility systems and services with a human-centred approach. We explore the following three complementary topics: urban life and mo-bility futures, mobility as a service, and future infrastructures. The main re-search area is the Saclay Plateau, while other French and European cities are considered for comparative studies. We are collaborating with Centrale Casablanca (joint PhD supervision) and Centrale Pékin (Future Cities Lab) to enlarge our vision towards non-European cities.

In 2020 was the fi rst full year of the second cycle of the Anthropolis Chair. Over the course of the year, four PhD candidates joined the team. Yue Sue and Tarek Chouaki started just at the end of 2019 with the respective topics of pickup and delivery problem with electric vehicles, as well as stochastic optimisation and reinforcement learning for the design of an on-demand mobility service by simulation, contributing to the research on future infrastructures. In autumn 2020, Tjark Gall and Mariana Reyes joined the chair, working on human-centred urban mobility futures, as well as mobility as a service respectively.

Various scientific contributions were published and disseminated across virtual events and workshops. In November 2020, the Anthropolis Chair and Future Cities Lab in Beijing initiated a research seminar series which aims at exchan-ging knowledge and ideas on the ongoing projects within the Chair and Lab and its affi liated and collaborators, as well as at communicating the research progress to external stakeholders. In 2020, two seminars were organized, with ten more scheduled for the fi rst half of 2021.


EDF, Engie, Renault, Nokia BellLabs, IRTSystemX, Communauté d'agglomération Paris-Saclay


Chair Holder : Jakob PUCHINGER
Tel: +33 (0)1 75 31 69 39

Administration: Corinne Ollivier,
Tel:+33(0)1 75 31 66 06
Laboratoire Genie Industriel
3, rue Joliot Curie
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette


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